Elevate Your Social Ads

đź’ˇ Skyrocket engagement with simple tips

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Facebook Ads Tactics from the Experts
Insights from stackedmarketer

Are your social ads feeling a bit stale? It might be time to switch things up. Rob Glover shares some expert strategies to help you breathe new life into your Facebook ads.

🧠 Pro Tips for Facebook Ads Success

1. Embrace “Ugly Ads”
Don’t worry about making your ads look too polished. In fact, people tend to scroll past content that feels too much like an ad. Ads that resemble user-generated content or platform-native posts often feel more organic, making users more likely to engage.

2. Highlight People, Not Just Products
Social media is all about connection, and that means faces matter. Ads featuring people rather than just products tend to perform better. For example, when a butcher chain switched from static product images to videos of employees discussing their products, their ROAS increased 12x, and sales surged by 97%.

3. Get Data-Savvy
First-party data is your goldmine. The better you can collect and analyze your own data, the better your ad strategies will become. Use insights beyond just ad targeting—like sending text messages to customers who prefer it over emails. Diversifying your analytics sources will also improve your campaign effectiveness.

4. Leverage Facebook’s Dynamic Ad Features
A/B testing is useful but time-consuming. Instead, take advantage of Facebook’s dynamic ad features. Dynamic Creative Optimization allows you to upload multiple versions of headlines, images, and calls to action. Facebook will test and deliver the best-performing combinations automatically.

5. Apply the “Engagement, Purchase, Scale” Approach
Start by running ads designed to grab attention—something that makes users stop scrolling. Once you’ve warmed up your audience, retarget them with a more focused purchase campaign. This method helps separate low-cost clicks from real engagement, ultimately leading to more meaningful conversions.

The Takeaway

Refreshing your Facebook ad strategy doesn’t have to be complicated. By using organic-looking content, featuring real people, getting smarter with your data, and embracing Facebook’s dynamic tools, you can significantly boost your campaign performance. Ready to step up your game? Explore these tactics today!

The biggest drivers and barriers to AI adoption
Insights from Wall Street Journal

Among companies that use AI, 45% say they were motivated to implement it because technological advances have made models more accessible. More than four in ten say they’ve started using AI models to help reduce costs and automate important processes.

There are still some major barriers that have prevented some companies from using AI as much as they’d like. A third of respondents say their companies’ limited AI skills, expertise or knowledge have prevented them from fully adopting AI models. A quarter say their data is too complex right now for AI to be able to analyze it, and 23% say they have ethical concerns about using LLMs.

AI Tools to Supercharge Your Productivity

🧠 Datalab: Upload a file or connect your database, then ask AI what data you need and easily share the insights with your team.

🤖 AlphaBot: Handle thousands of customer requests simultaneously, accurately, and tirelessly with an AI-powered business assistant.

🎤 Deepgram: Convert text into lifelike AI voices in real-time with Aura, Deepgram's lightning-fast (sub 250 ms latency), low cost text-to-speech API. Sign up to try now.

🎨 Ilus AI: Get beautiful, stylistically consistent illustrations in minutes.

🗣️ Lingolette: Transform your language learning experience with personalized neural network chat-based tools.

That’s all for today! While we curate another Growth edition for tomorrow, let us know how you felt about today! And share this with someone who’d love it.🥰