Expand Beyond Social Channels

Plus, 📧 Simplify your inbox management today

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Everyone tells you to learn AI but no one tells you where.

We have partnered with GrowthSchool to bring this ChatGTP & AI Workshop to our readers. It is usually $199, but free for you because you are our loyal readers 🎁

This workshop has been taken by 1 Million people across the globe, who have been able to:

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You’ll wish you knew about this FREE AI Training sooner (Btw, it’s rated at 9.8/10 ⭐)

🚀Expand Beyond Social for Growth
Insights from buyology

If relying solely on Search and Social Media for leads is keeping you up at night, you’re not alone. While these platforms can drive solid results, depending on just them can leave you vulnerable. It’s time to think outside the box and diversify. Native advertising is one avenue that can help you extend your reach and protect against the risks of over-reliance on familiar platforms. Here’s how to leverage native ads for growth:

🧠 Top Strategies for Success with Native Ads

  1. Focus on Performance Goals with Native Advertising
    Like Search and Social, native ads often run on a CPC model, meaning you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. The benefit? You gain added impressions as value. Optimize native campaigns using pixel-based targeting to boost leads and conversions while expanding your reach.

  2. Repurpose Your Social Ads for Native Placements
    Already have creatives running on social? You don’t need to reinvent the wheel for native advertising. Repurpose your social media ads as native content, keeping them consistent with your brand voice and visuals. It’s a cost-effective way to launch a campaign without starting from scratch.

  3. Expand Reach Beyond the Walled Gardens
    Google and Meta might feel like home, but you can unlock new growth by venturing beyond. Native ad platforms offer full transparency and reach users where they naturally consume content. To maximize impact, consider launching native campaigns around major events or holidays when traffic surges.

The Takeaway
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket—native ads give you a chance to extend your marketing efforts beyond the standard Search and Social routes. By repurposing creatives and exploring new platforms, you open up additional avenues for growth while reducing risks. It’s time to diversify your strategy and grow your campaigns in new ways.

Revolutionizing Email Management with AI Insights from the AI-powered email assistant
Insights from itsPaulAi

Imagine this: You’re struggling to stay on top of your flooded inbox, wasting precious hours organizing and replying to emails. Enter an AI assistant connected to your Gmail, transforming email management into a seamless, stress-free experience.

🧠 How It Works

Step 1: Categorize Emails with Ease
The AI instantly analyzes your inbox, sorting emails into tailored categories like Newsletters, Questions, and Others. You can adjust the categories based on your workflow needs.

Step 2: Summarize Newsletters in a Flash
For each newsletter, the AI extracts the five most crucial takeaways, turning lengthy emails into concise, digestible summaries.

Step 3: Auto-Generate Draft Replies
Once the categorization is done, the AI asks if you’d like draft replies for emails marked as ‘Questions.’ Confirm, and watch as it drafts replies for you—ready to send.

Customize It to Your Workflow The beauty of this AI is its adaptability. You can adjust the instructions to fit specific tasks—such as pulling emails from a particular date or summarizing longer, more detailed content.
The Bottom Line
This AI-driven approach to email management redefines productivity. It simplifies sorting, summarizes crucial content, and even drafts responses—all with just a few commands. If you’re looking to save time and streamline your workflow, this is the future of email organization.  
This AI doesn’t just organize emails; it transforms your entire email experience by saving time, offering clarity, and keeping you organized. Instead of wading through emails, you’ll have newsletters summarized and replies drafted, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.

That’s all for today! While we curate another Growth edition for tomorrow, let us know how you felt about today! And share this with someone who’d love it.đŸ„°