Leverage Reviews for Ads

Plus, 🖥️ Personalize LinkedIn outreach in seconds

In partnership with

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10x Your Outbound With Our AI BDR

Imagine your calendar filling with qualified sales meetings, on autopilot. That's Ava's job. She's an AI BDR who automates your entire outbound demand generation.

Ava operates within the Artisan platform, which consolidates every tool you need for outbound:

  • 300M+ High-Quality B2B Prospects

  • Automated Lead Enrichment With 10+ Data Sources Included

  • Full Email Deliverability Management

  • Personalization Waterfall using LinkedIn, Twitter, Web Scraping & More

🚀 Enhance Ad Performance with a Customer-Focused Strategy
Insights from scaleup.community

To boost your ad performance, it's essential to align your messaging with what customers already love about your product. A customer-driven approach ensures your ads resonate better and drive conversions. Here’s how to implement this strategy effectively:

🧠 Steps to Craft High-Performing Ads

  1. Collect Customer Feedback

    • Why It’s Important: Begin by gathering all 5-star reviews and testimonials. These insights highlight what customers value most. If you lack enough 5-star reviews, include 4-star ones to broaden your understanding.

  2. Organize Your Findings

    • Clean Your Data: Arrange the collected reviews into a spreadsheet, making sure to remove duplicates. This gives you a clean dataset to work with, ensuring accurate insights for ad creation.

  3. Generate a Word Cloud

    • Visualize Key Themes: Use a Word Cloud generator to visualize the most frequently mentioned words and phrases in your reviews. This tool helps identify key selling points that are most important to your customers.

  4. Develop Ad Concepts

    • Brainstorm Creative Ideas: Leverage the prominent words from your Word Cloud to brainstorm new ad concepts and headlines. Ensure your creative aligns with what customers already love about your product.

  5. Craft Headlines and Visuals

    • Align Messaging and Design: Use the key phrases identified to develop compelling headlines. Pair these with visuals that reflect the messages, or start with strong visual ideas and match them with customer-driven headlines.

  6. Analyze Negative Feedback

    • Learn from Criticism: Don’t ignore the 1-star reviews. Analyzing negative feedback helps you understand common pain points and avoid them in your ads, ensuring a more positive customer perception.

The Takeaway

By aligning your ads with genuine customer feedback, you can create more effective campaigns that resonate with your audience. This approach not only enhances ad performance but also builds stronger customer connections and engagement. Follow these steps to drive better results with ads that truly reflect your customers' values.

✉️ Automate Your LinkedIn Outreach with AI
Insights from TheRundownAI

Looking to streamline your LinkedIn outreach? Zapier Central offers a simple way to automate the process using AI, allowing you to create personalized email drafts from LinkedIn profiles in just seconds. Here’s how you can leverage this tool to enhance your networking efforts:

🧠 Steps to Automate LinkedIn Outreach with Zapier Central

  1. Create Your Assistant

    • Get Started on Zapier Central: Head over to Zapier Central and set up a new assistant specifically designed for drafting emails. This will be your starting point for automating outreach tasks.

  2. Set Up Email Drafting Instructions

    • Define the Parameters: Provide clear instructions for your assistant on how to draft emails based on LinkedIn profile details. This ensures that the AI generates relevant and personalized content for each contact.

  3. Install the Chrome Extension

    • Expand Functionality: Install the Zapier Central Chrome extension to directly access your assistant from LinkedIn profiles, streamlining the process even further.

  4. Engage from LinkedIn Profiles

    • Use the Extension: While browsing LinkedIn, click on the Zapier Central icon and select your assistant. Input a command such as "Draft an email about my product for this user," and the assistant will generate a draft.

  5. Review and Customize

    • Refine the Output: Check the generated email draft and make any necessary adjustments to better align with your brand voice and goals. This step ensures each email is polished before it’s sent out.

Pro Tip: Experiment with different prompts and instructions to fine-tune your assistant’s responses. The more you refine, the more tailored and effective your outreach will be.

The Bottom Line
With Zapier Central’s AI capabilities, automating your LinkedIn outreach becomes a breeze. By following these steps, you can quickly generate personalized email drafts, saving time and boosting your networking efficiency.

That’s all for today! While we curate another Growth edition for tomorrow, let us know how you felt about today! And share this with someone who’d love it.🥰