Master Priming for Sales

đź’Ą Master subtle buying triggers

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Mastering Priming: How to Influence Buyers Before the Pitch
Insights from

Picture this...

For weeks, you’ve seen ads from a brand touting “sweatpants softer than a cloud.” You’re not interested, though. You’ve got a pair of sweats you love, and they’ve been loyal for over a decade.

But one morning, as you’re getting ready for a Zoom meeting, disaster strikes—your favorite sweats rip right down the middle. Heartbroken, you remember those soft sweats from the ads. Without hesitation, you head to the brand’s website and place an order.

Why did you choose that company, out of countless others selling similar products?

🧠 The Psychology of Priming 

Priming is all about subtly shaping people’s thoughts before they’re even aware of it. It’s what world-famous psychologist Robert Cialdini refers to as “pre-suasion”—setting the stage for persuasion before the pitch is even made.

The idea is simple: By repeatedly exposing your audience to a specific message, imagery, or feeling, you build familiarity and trust. When the time comes for them to make a decision, they’re more likely to lean toward what they’ve seen repeatedly.

In one study, researchers found that when people were exposed to words associated with high-end brands (e.g., “luxury” or “prestige”), they were more likely to choose those brands over less expensive alternatives when making a purchase.

So, priming works on a subconscious level—your brain starts associating certain words, colors, or images with specific brands, making the decision-making process quicker and easier.

How To Apply This

Use colors and designs that evoke the desired emotional response. For instance, McDonald’s uses red and yellow, which are known to stimulate hunger and urgency. These colors prime customers to feel hungry and act on it when they see the familiar logo. The more consistent you are with these visual cues, the stronger the subconscious link between your brand and the emotion you want to evoke becomes. This makes it easier for your audience to recognize and trust your brand.

Product Launches
Start your campaign well before launch. Build anticipation by consistently sharing content related to your upcoming product. By the time you launch, your audience is primed to buy, as they’ve been thinking about the problem your product solves for weeks. Early exposure also lets you gauge audience reactions, giving you valuable feedback to tweak your messaging or features before the official launch date, ensuring maximum impact.

Collaborate with influencers your audience trusts. For example, HelloFresh partnered with Jessica Alba, leveraging her trustworthy image to prime health-conscious buyers to choose their meal kits over competitors. Working with trusted figures helps establish credibility faster, as audiences are more likely to associate your brand with the values or personality of the influencer, creating an immediate emotional connection that strengthens brand loyalty.

The Takeaway 

Priming is a powerful tool. By subtly influencing your audience over time, you make their buying decision easier. Use repetition to build familiarity and trust, and soon, your brand will be the first they think of when they're ready to make a purchase. Consistent, subtle exposure not only builds trust but also ensures that when consumers are faced with a decision, they’ll instinctively turn to what feels familiar, speeding up the purchase process and boosting conversions.

How organizations have benefited from generative AI adoption
Insights from scale ai

More than six in 10 organizations who use AI say it’s improved efficiency, and 59% say it’s improved customer experience, according to a new report from Scale AI. In addition, nearly half of respondents say LLMs have helped them come up with ideas for new products or services — a testament to AI’s brainstorming capabilities.

Only around a third of companies say their profit and revenue have improved thanks to AI. That shows there’s still room for improvement when it comes to AI’s money-making potential. Still, just 8% of organizations said they haven’t seen any improvements across the board. Seven percent have yet to adopt AI in any capacity.

AI Tools to Supercharge Your Productivity

✅ Logome: Create a stunning logo and brand kit you’ll love with AI.

🍽️ Journable: Chat your way to health and fitness with personalized goal setting and AI-powered meal and exercise analysis.

🗣️ Speechmatics: Combining AI and LLMs, Speechmatics lets you transcribe, translate, and understand 50 languages with a single API call. Test the accuracy in seconds.

đź’» Abstra: Go beyond basic task automation to tame entire processes, with Python-based, AI-powered workflows.

🎧 Retell AI: Build AI voice agents that interact like humans, follow instructions, and execute complex tasks.

That’s all for today! While we curate another Growth edition for tomorrow, let us know how you felt about today! And share this with someone who’d love it.🥰