Optimize Content for Attention

💥 Improve ads using diverse imagery

In partnership with

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Ready for another day of staying ahead of the competition in the Growth race?

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💥 Use AI to 10X your productivity & efficiency at work (free bonus) 🤯

Still struggling to achieve work-life balance and manage your time efficiently?

Join this 3 hour Intensive Workshop on AI & ChatGPT tools (usually $399) but FREE for first 100 readers.

Save your free spot here (seats are filling fast!)

An AI-powered professional will earn 10x more. 💰

An AI-powered founder will build & scale his company 10x faster 🚀

An AI-first company will grow 50x more! 📊

Want to be one of these people & be a smart worker?
Free up 3 hours of your time to learn AI strategies & hacks that less than 1% people know! 

🗓️ Tomorrow | ⏱️ 10 AM EST

In this workshop, you will learn how to:

Make smarter decisions based on data in seconds using AI 
Automate daily tasks and increase productivity & creativity
Skyrocket your business growth by leveraging the power of AI
Save 1000s of dollars by using ChatGPT to simplify complex problems 

Unlocking Engagement: The Power of Faces in Your Marketing Strategy
Insights from customercamp.co

Imagine This: You're having a mundane lunch with a turkey sandwich, but boredom creeps in almost immediately. You grab your phone and start scrolling through YouTube, looking for something both entertaining and educational—a little "edu-tainment" to spice up your day.

Amidst a sea of 20 videos, one thumbnail grabs your attention: a man with a startled expression glancing at a blonde woman in a bright red dress.

You recognize the man's face—it's Alex Hormozi. You've seen him pop up on Instagram recently, sharing snippets of business wisdom. Considering he sold his company for over $46 million, you figure he's someone worth listening to.

Your curiosity piqued, you glance at the video title: “How They Keep You POOR Forever.” Intrigued, you also notice a huge stack of money on the left side of the screen.

“All right, I’m hooked. What’s the deal with the woman in the red dress?” you wonder.

Out of the 20 options, why did you click on this particular video?

The Psychology of Faces 🧠

Humans are naturally wired to notice faces. As a social species, we're always scanning our surroundings, and faces are among the first things we register.

When we see a face, our brains instantly (and subconsciously) categorize it: is this person friendly (trustworthy), threatening (not trustworthy), or attractive (a potential partner)?

This response isn’t just triggered by real faces. Even face-like cues, like emojis, can prompt the same reaction. 🧐 (It’s why using emojis in subject lines can increase email open rates.)

This instinct explains why many brands use a familiar face to represent their company—think Steve Jobs for Apple or Sara Blakely for Spanx. Content featuring faces is 11 times more likely to catch attention.

Netflix has known this for years. After thousands of experiments, they discovered:

  • Faces showing genre-related emotions perform best

  • Villains engage more than heroes

  • Reactions to faces differ by region

Once a face draws attention, it takes just 40 milliseconds for viewers to form an impression. Choose your visuals wisely.

How to Use This 🤑

Sales Pages
Leverage Eye Direction
When a face in your content looks in a specific direction, viewers will naturally follow the gaze to whatever is being looked at. Use this tactic to guide their attention to key elements, such as your product, a call-to-action button, or an important message. Placing these strategically can enhance conversions.

Feature a Range of Faces
Incorporate diverse faces and body types in your ads to make them more relatable to a wider audience. People are drawn to those who resemble themselves, so showcasing diversity can boost engagement. Use authentic, varied imagery to make everyone feel included, as this fosters a sense of belonging and drives brand loyalty.

Social Media and Newsletters
Keep Consistent Imagery
Maintain the same profile picture across all platforms to create a strong, recognizable brand identity. This consistency makes it easier for your audience to spot your content among a sea of posts. A familiar face builds trust and reinforces your brand’s presence, making your posts more likely to be seen and remembered.

The Bottom Line

Incorporating faces in your marketing materials can significantly boost engagement and retention. However, it’s crucial to use them strategically to avoid coming across as inauthentic or off-putting. Done right, this tactic can make your content memorable and persuasive, leading to higher conversions and stronger customer connections.

No judgment for AI use in the workplace
Insights from axios

More than half of professionals in the field of communication say they have no preference whether their colleagues use AI to help with work tasks, according to a recent Axios-Seven Letter survey.

A quarter say their view of colleagues improves after learning about their AI usage, while 20% say their view worsens. Most professionals also have either a neutral or positive view of firms that introduce AI-enhanced features into their products or services.

AI Tools to Supercharge Your Productivity

📊 Waxwing: Use real-time insights and AI-powered business profiling to turn data into your most valuable asset.

🧙‍♂️ Wizardshot: Instantly create AI-powered step-by-step tutorials to streamline learning and training processes.

🎓 GrowthSchool: Learn to research faster, automate tasks, and simplify your life with AI.

🗂️ Cubby: A secure workplace to store files and links, annotate your content, and synthesize information using AI.

🎨 EverArt: Train AI on any product, style, or mood board to generate customized, creative outputs.

That’s all for today! While we curate another Growth edition for tomorrow, let us know how you felt about today! And share this with someone who’d love it.🥰