Pinterest Tactics for Tomorrow

Plus, 🖥️ Convert static files into dashboards

In partnership with

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💥 Use AI to 10X your productivity & efficiency at work (free bonus) 🤯

Still struggling to achieve work-life balance and manage your time efficiently?

Join this 3 hour Intensive Workshop on AI & ChatGPT tools (usually $399) but FREE for first 100 readers.

Save your free spot here (seats are filling fast!)

An AI-powered professional will earn 10x more. 💰

An AI-powered founder will build & scale his company 10x faster 🚀

An AI-first company will grow 50x more! 📊

Want to be one of these people & be a smart worker?
Free up 3 hours of your time to learn AI strategies & hacks that less than 1% people know! 

🗓️ Tomorrow | ⏱️ 10 AM EST

In this workshop, you will learn how to:

Make smarter decisions based on data in seconds using AI 
Automate daily tasks and increase productivity & creativity
Skyrocket your business growth by leveraging the power of AI
Save 1000s of dollars by using ChatGPT to simplify complex problems 

🌟 Mastering Gen Z Marketing with Pinterest
Insights from

To truly connect with Gen Z, brands need to engage with them on the platforms they love—like Pinterest. This platform is a key player in how Gen Z discovers new ideas and shops, making it a crucial space for brands to establish a strong presence.

🧠 Key Strategies for Engaging Gen Z on Pinterest

  1. Boost Your Search Visibility

    • Gen Z's New Search Engine: Gen Z increasingly treats Pinterest as a go-to search tool, with a 30% increase in searches year-over-year.

    • How to Adapt: Enhance your Pin strategy with relevant keywords in titles, descriptions, and product feeds. Utilize targeted ads based on Gen Z’s search patterns to ensure your content reaches the right audience.

  2. Drive Deeper Engagement and Conversions

    • High Activity Rates: Gen Z is highly engaged on Pinterest, saving 2.5 times more Pins and creating 66% more boards than other age groups.

    • How to Leverage: Encourage users to save your content and build themed boards. Use retargeting ads to reconnect with those who have shown interest in your Pins, guiding them toward making a purchase.

  3. Create a Smooth Shopping Journey

    • Always Ready to Shop: A significant number of Gen Z users are in a constant shopping mindset, with 63% always on the lookout for new products.

    • How to Capture Sales: Utilize carousel and collection ad formats to display a range of products, and include direct links to your website to streamline the purchasing process.

  4. Stay Ahead of Trends

    • Trendsetters on Pinterest: Gen Z is always exploring new styles and trends, making Pinterest a hotbed for fresh aesthetic discovery.

    • How to Stay Relevant: Use tools like Pinterest Predicts and Pinterest Trends to spot emerging trends early. Create interactive content like quizzes and themed boards to tap into Gen Z’s evolving interests.

  5. Connect Through Culture

    • Deep Cultural Engagement: Gen Z is highly engaged with pop culture, festivals, gaming, and fandoms on Pinterest.

    • How to Align: Craft content that resonates with these cultural passions, such as festival shopping guides or digital customization ideas for avatars and backgrounds.

  6. Influence Indirect Buyers

    • Gen Z's Indirect Shoppers: Many purchases for Gen Z are made by family members or friends.

    • How to Reach Them: Encourage board sharing among friends and relatives. Target ad campaigns to parents and gift-givers, providing insights into Gen Z preferences to guide their buying decisions.

The Bottom Line

By understanding how Gen Z interacts with Pinterest, brands can craft strategies that foster deeper connections, boost engagement, and drive conversions. Focusing on search optimization, trend adaptation, seamless shopping experiences, and both direct and indirect buyers will help brands thrive in a market where Gen Z is leading the way.

📊 Transform PDFs into Interactive Dashboards
Insights from TheRundownAI

Looking to bring static PDF data to life? With the power of AI and Replit, an online coding platform, you can convert any PDF into an engaging, interactive dashboard. Here’s a straightforward guide to get you started:

🧠 Steps to Turn PDFs into Dashboards

  1. Upload Your PDF to an AI Chatbot

    • Get Started with AI: Choose an AI chatbot like ChatGPT or Google Gemini and upload your PDF file. These tools can interpret your data and provide you with the code needed for further processing.

  2. Request a Python Script

    • Ask for Assistance: Prompt the AI to generate a Python script that creates an interactive dashboard using Plotly Dash. This coding library helps turn raw data into visually appealing, interactive graphics.

  3. Set Up Your Project on Replit

    • Copy the Code: Take the Python code provided by the AI and open Replit, an online integrated development environment (IDE). Start a new Python project and paste the code into the editor.

  4. Run the Code to Generate Your Dashboard

    • Execute and Visualize: Once your code is in place, run it on Replit. The platform will process the data and render a dynamic dashboard that you can interact with directly.

  5. Quick Tip with Claude

    • Use Artifacts Feature: If you’re using Claude as your AI assistant, activate the Artifacts feature. Then, simply prompt it with, “Create an interactive dashboard from this PDF,” and Claude will handle the rest, delivering a similar interactive experience.

The Bottom Line

Transforming a PDF into an interactive dashboard is easier than you might think with the help of AI tools and platforms like Replit. Whether you’re visualizing sales data, survey results, or any other information, this method allows you to create engaging, interactive visualizations that make data interpretation straightforward and insightful. Dive in today and enhance your data storytelling capabilities!

That’s all for today! While we curate another Growth edition for tomorrow, let us know how you felt about today! And share this with someone who’d love it.🥰